Meet us at Prolight+sound in Frankfurt April 6-9

12 March, 2011

Now it’s time to gather again in Frankfurt for the Prolight+sound exhibition April 6-9. We are in the same spot as last year: hall 8.0/stand G28. Come join us to discuss loop theory, to talk about your latest project or just to say hello. We are there from start to finish and look forward to… Read more

Brand new Univox brochure now available

18 February, 2011

As a long awaited marketing tool for our exports endeavors we can now present our brand new Univox brochure. On the 16 pages we have tried to capture where we come from, why the hearing aid is not always enough, why we think that loop systems represent the best solution for both hearing aid users… Read more

Univox at ISE in Amsterdam February 1-3, 2011

15 January, 2011

Univox at ISE in Amsterdam February 1-3, 2011 Published: November 2010 Univox will be back as exhibitor at ISE, Europe´s No 1 show for professional AV and electronic systems integration. We will introduce several new products, amongst them the Univox AutoLoop, the first truly automatic domestic induction loop amplifier in the world and Univox FSM… Read more

Univox exhibits at EUHA in Hannover October 13-15

8 September, 2010

For the second consecutive year Univox will take part as exhibitor at EUHA, Europe´s leading trade show for assistive listening products. This year´s show is held in Hannover, Germany, between 13-15 October and all the leading European suppliers of hearing aids and assistive listening devices will be there. Univox is going to introduce several new… Read more

Next generation FSM 2.0

20 April, 2010

During many years Univox FSM (1994) was the only true FSM with RMS measurement (125ms) complying fully with the IEC standard on the market. Univox now launches the next generation Field Strength Meter, FSM 2.0 controlled by a reprogrammable microprocessor (uP) with an LCD-display. This gives an instrument with advanced functions, yet easy to use,… Read more

Univox in the American news magazine Advance for Audiologists Magazine

16 April, 2010

The American news magazine Advance for Audiologists Magazine has recently published a column that we have written about induction loops. The magazine targets everyone who works with audiology and hearing technology and is read by audiologists, doctors and industry employees. The article, sponsored by Univox, describes the different communication opportunities opening up to people with… Read more

Univox in San Diego at AAA 15-17 April

20 January, 2010

For the fourth time Univox will exhibit at AudiologyNOW!, the largest congress/trade show in the US aimed at audiologists and suppliers of hearing products. The congress is arranged by AAA (American Academy of Audiology) and will take place in San Diego, California, as it did already once in 2001. Last time the present partcipants record… Read more

Univox at prolight+sound in Frankfurt 24-27 March

20 January, 2010

For the first time Univox will exhibit our professional products in one of the largest trade shows for professional light and sound technology in the world, prolight+sound in Frankfurt. The exhibition is scheduled for March 24-27 and we will have a stand close to the stand of our new distributor for Germany and Austria, Audio… Read more

EUHA 2009 – Bo Edin AB exhibits for the first time

20 September, 2009

EUHA – Europes largest trade show for hearing technology is beeing held in Germany at the end of October every year. This year the show is back in Nürnberg again after a visit to Leipzig last year and Bo Edin AB will exhibit for the first time. The show is quite heavily biased towards hearing… Read more

Induction Loops – Bo Edin AB is on site!

15 September, 2009

Between September 25-27 the first international conference on induction loops is organized in Winterthur near Zürich in Switzerland. The conference will deal with the latest technology and discuss the accessibility situation in several countries. On Sunday a panel discussion will deal with the future of induction loops and Conny Andersson, Research & Development Manager at… Read more

Editable IEC standard protocol

10 August, 2009

It is now possible to complete the IEC protocol form directly in your computer. An editable pdf file has been created which is fast to complete and storable on your computer for future reference. In this way there is no need to print the document and you can save it together with other project related… Read more

Bo Edin AB exhibits at AudiologyNOW! for the third time

15 March, 2009

April 2-4 Bo Edin AB will exhibit at AudiologyNOW! for the third time. The Audiology Solutions show is the number 1 show in the US and one of the largest exhibitions for hearing aids and hearing solutions in the world. The exhibition is a part of the yearly member conference of the American Academy of… Read more