Bo Edin AB sets up a UK company, Univox Audio Ltd

3 April, 2012

A new UK based company,

Univox Audio Ltd, has been founded by one of the world’s oldest and most experienced assistive listening company,

Bo Edin of Sweden (trading as Univox), and Mr. Ken Hollands, a leading UK induction loop expert and advocate. Mr. Ken Hollands is appointed Managing Director of the company.

“We see United Kingdom as one of our most important export markets. To increase our UK market share, we wanted to work closely with someone who had in depth knowledge of assistive listening and good commercial skills, but in particular, who had the same attitude to assistive listening”, Conny Andersson, CTO and owner of Bo Edin AB, says. “Working with Ken will give us a solid platform to increase our UK presence”, he continues.

“I am very pleased to have the opportunity to work with Bo Edin as they’re not just another assistive listening company jumping on the disability bandwagon. They’ve been around for a long time, they don’t make false claims and they care about the difference their products make to someone with hearing loss – and that’s a good thing to be a part of”, Ken Hollands says.

Picture above (from left) Conny Andersson CTO Bo Edin AB, Meta Bernhager Mangaging Director Bo Edin AB and Ken Hollands Managing Director Univox Audio Ltd.