
Hearing loop systems are often the most practical, cheapest and lowest maintenance solution for giving good quality access to the hearing impaired, and is therefore becoming the most widely used solution around the world.

Once installed, a loop works for years without any maintenance cost for the owner of the venue. And not to forget – the hearing aid wearers do not need to pay for any extra receiver – the receiver is already built-in in their hearing aid! They just switch their hearing aids to T-position and enjoy the sound. That is real freedom!

Here you’ll find different venues and situations where hearing loops are needed or can improve the service. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!


Hearing loops for venues

The best way to make larger venues audio accessible to all, is to install a loop system that covers the entire listening area.


Hearing loops for hotels

To be able to welcome all guests, including the hearing impaired, it is important to have efficient and easy to use systems at hand.

home guiding

Hearing loops for guiding

Let your hearing impaired visitors experience guided tours with high intelligibility!


Hearing loops in health care

Enable a more relaxed and comfortable life and improve the security in emergency situations!


Hearing loops in transportation business

To create barrier free traveling, make sure the on board systems and transportation hubs have the right coverage!


Hearing loops for desks and tellers

At the cashier or the information desk, a loop system can mean the difference between hearing nothing and understanding everything.