Hearing loops for museums and exhibitions
In museums and showrooms the acoustic is often compromised by the echoes and background noise. This is particularly difficult for hard of hearing people. With assistive listening devices the visitors are able to hear with clear sound and high intelligibility.
Tour Guide systems
The wireless tour guide system helps to overcome the problems with the distance between the guide and the audience in noisy surroundings. Our wireless pocket transmitters and receivers can be used both as conventional guide systems as well as assistive listening devices for guests with or without hearing aids.
In smaller auditoriums or rooms with for example video or audio installations, integrated with the existing sound systems, loops grant instant audio access to the hearing impaired. Without the inconvenience of announcing their disability, the visitors can immediately enjoy the show to the full.
Larger venues all benefit from loops placed in segments along the seating rows, so a hearing impaired visitor can be seated anywhere and still be guaranteed audibility.
Desks and tellers
The often noisy atmosphere in the lobby or entrance, makes it very hard for people with hearing aids to hear properly. A hearing loop in the ticket office or at the information desk gives a high speech perception. Offer the best service and make the experience even better!
Not only for safety reasons, but for a more comfortable visit, installing a hearing loop in the elevator is recommended.
The National Museum of Art, Sweden
The National Museum of Art in Stockholm was looking for a guide system which could serve both people with hearing aids and to make the guided tours easy to hear for all. The guides themselves also needed a better work environment to avoid having to talk so loud. The museum chose the Univox Okayo wireless tour guide system. Thanks to the extra high output power of the pocket transmitters, the system can be used with both earpiece/headset and neck loop for the people wearing hearing aids.
Kosterhavet Naturum, Sweden
Kosterhavet Naturum, at the national marine park of Skagerrak, enhanced the visitor experience by introducing a personal tour guide with ear hooks, offering hearing accessibility to all, including hearing aid users.