Updated IEC standard and new certificate
Hearing loop standard IEC 60118-4 update
The hearing loop performance standard IEC-60118-4 has recently been updated. One of the most important changes is the increased frequency demands when setting the magnetic field strength level. In the updated standard it has to be verified that the 400mA/m (0dB) in the program peaks can be reached at 1.6kHz (1kHz in the old standard). This will inevitably call for more powerful loop amplifiers and greater headroom when planning loop systems.
New 1.6kHz test signal
One way of verifying the new frequency level is to use the new test signal 1k6Hz-pulse.wav. This new audio file, along with all the other sinewave, multi-tone and speech signals, can be downloaded from Support or the FSM 2.0 page.
Brand new measuring protocol and certificate
To accommodate for the updated IEC standard, a completely new measuring protocol/certificate has been designed. The new protocol is much more comprehensive and assists the installer/certifier in achieving a more complete and accurate certificate. A fillable version of the new measuring protocol/certificate can be found at the Certify installation page at Support.
Updated FSM 2.0 User guide
The user guide for our field strength meter FSM 2.0 has also been thoroughly updated to include the changes in the IEC standard. The updated FSM 2.0 User guide can be downloaded at the FSM 2.0 page and will also be included on the USB memory card for all FSM 2.0 deliveries from now on.
Updated Univox Loop Designer ULD v2.0
The updated IEC standard has also been implemented on our web based planning tool Univox Loop Designer, ULD. If you still haven’t tried this powerful planning tool, now is the time to do so! Send us an e-mail to support@edin.se including your full name, company name and e-mail address and we will send you your login details.